Jaycee & Kirk

Tell us your proposal story

Kirk rented a small plane for us in Calgary. I thought we were heading to Stettler to have lunch with my Mom. Shortly after we took off, Kirk told me that the plane was running low on oil and we needed to make a quick stop in Sundre before continuing on our journey. As soon as he landed the plane, I saw a cute dog running towards us. I say to Kirk, “Look there’s a wiener dog here!” We climbed out of the plane and I quickly realized... “Wait, that’s our wiener dog!”. Henry (our dog) ran right up to the plane with my ring tied around his neck. Kirk got down on one knee as he untied the ring. It truly felt like a movie!

How we met
Kirk and I met through working at WestJet. He was a junior Pilot and I was a junior Flight Attendant. We hit it off as friends right away, we went for dinner at a pub in Kamloops that evening.

Did you know you would end up together or was it a happy surprise?
Kirk and I were friends for about a year and a half before we starting dating; he was always so kind and respectful so I had no idea that he had feelings for me. For me, it was a happy surprise. For Kirk on the other hand, he said that he knew almost immediately. One of the first pairings we worked together we had a 30 hour layover in YellowKnife. There's not a whole lot to do in the -40 YellowKnife winters, so our crew of four drank at the local brewery. Later that day I had the most embarrassing moment of my life. I dropped a bottle of red wine in Shoppers Drug Mart and it smashed everywhere! Kirk had a good laugh over it. After that, we got lost walking around the town and eventually ended up sharing a platter of chicken fingers at a restaurant. The next day Kirk told our Captain, “I’m going to marry that girl one day.”.

Favorite part of your relationship?
My favorite part of our relationship is that we truly are best friends that have the utmost respect for each other. Whether its travelling, boating, snowboarding, or having a rave dance party in our PJs at home, we’re always doing something fun together. I feel so lucky that I found someone who shares the same interests and passions as I do. 

What do you look forward to for the rest of your life together?
I’m looking forward to experiencing all life has to offer, with Kirk by my side. The thing I am most excited for is building a family together. We also have a lot of travelling we want to do, it's an ever expanding list of destinations.

Why did he or you choose the ring you did?
There is something so timeless about a solitaire diamond, but I also wanted something slightly unique. I have always loved pear shaped stones. Kirk did a great job of researching different diamonds and settings and decided to go with the hidden halo with diamonds on the band. I couldn’t be happier with his choice!

How did you hear about Lawlor Jewelry?
Lawlor Jewelry was one of my first places of work in High School. The Lawlor family has always been so good to me, it would have been an obvious choice for me to have my ring made by them. Not to mention, I know that Lawlor Jewelry sells nothing but quality. Kirk and I live in Calgary, so I didn’t want to pressure him into buying from any specific store. Kirk emailed Lawlor Jewelry to inquire about diamonds and Mike immediately knew who Kirk was after only meeting him briefly a year prior. That's the type of service Lawlor Jewelry provides; everyone is treated like family.

Couple: Jaycee Murray & Kirk Desjardins
Photography: Rose & Range Photo
Ring: Lawlor Jewelry